Tuesday, 30 April 2013

On the go snack from Nakd

Everyone has been caught out somewhere, no food in the bag and in need of something to cure the hunger pangs. It may not even be that, you may need something healthy for a pre work out snack. This is just it!
Nakd bars are all full of goodness and no chemicals what so ever! They are very Paleo friendly and perfect for a healthy snack. Most supermarkets stock them or you can buy them direct from their website in bulk and with free delivery. It makes them slightly cheaper than the stores, but the best thing is if you sign up to their newsletter. They often send out emails telling you of new products and special discounted offers they have on. It's worth a look here http://www.naturalbalancefoods.co.uk/nakd/

Watch out for some of the bars, not all are wheat free.
Ginger bread and very berry are most definitely my favourites!

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