Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Chilli Sin Carne

If you're anything like me, I get an idea in my head, start cooking, then change my mind halfway through and make something else..... This is what I did here. I was going to make sweet jacket potato, but the potato was huge and my appetite wasn't, so I made good ole Cauliflower 'Rice' to go with the Chilli.

Chilli is so easy to make. I use Quorn mince as a replacement for the Carne and instead of kidney beans, I pack the chilli with diced veggies.


Quorn Mince
Chopped tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Chopped Mushrooms
Red Peppers
Fajita Seasoning
Sprinkle of Cheese
Coconut Oil

Cut the Cauliflower in to pieces and blend in a food processor until it is in fine pieces. Place in a pan with some coconut oil.
Put the Quorn mince and veggies in a pan and cover with the fajita seasoning mix and chilli's, then add the chopped tomatoes and let it simmer until all the veggies and the Quorn mince is tender and cooked.
Turn on the pan with the cauliflower and cook until ready.
Plate up and serve with a sprinkle of Cheese.

Jolie x

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