Friday, 22 February 2013

Shepherds Paleo Pie

Since I have been writing this food blog, I've had a lot of feedback from people, especially my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu friends. Everyone has been so keen to share their ideas with me on what they have found, eaten and love that is Paleo.

My friend Chris Cruze posted a recipe for Shepherds pie for me on my facebook page, but it wasn't veggie friendly, so I have modified it and its here, veggie, healthy and paleo friendly. It even got the thumbs up from my mum. Thanks Chris!


Quorn Mince
Red Onion
Sugar snap Peas or regular peas
Vegetable stock


Boil the kettle and add 200ml water to the veg stock. Fry the onion and add the veg stock, carrots, peas and Quorn mince. While the filling is cooking on the hob, bring the cauliflower to the boil in a pan and cook until soft. Drain the cauliflower and put in a blender with a little cheese.
Once the pie filling is cooked, take off the stove and fill a pie dish. Pat the filling down so that all areas of the dish are covered, then cover the filling with the mashed up cauliflower.
Add a little cheese to the top and bake in the over for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese on the top has turned golden.

Jolie x

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Weekend Chocolate Cookie Treat

We all love a treat at the weekend and what better than with a Chocolate Cookie!
I had to do a little work on these cookies from the recipe that I got on the back of the packet of coconut flour. They were so dry and really hard to swallow, here is my version;

The recipe was measured in cups. 1 cup = 8 fl oz

1/4 Cup of Coconut flour
1/4 Cup of Coconut oil or butter
1/3 Cup of Cocoa Powder
3 medium eggs
Pinch of salt
teaspoon of vanilla essence

Melt the oil in a saucepan at a low heat and stir in the cocoa powder. Remove from the heat and let cool. In a bowl mash the banana until there are no visible lumps, combine the eggs, salt and vanilla. Stir in the cocoa mixture. Whisk coconut flour in to a batter until there are no lumps. Let the batter rest for 4 to 5 minutes until it thickens slightly.
You can shape the cookies in to which ever shape you want. I used a heart shape cookie cutter for the mould for my cookies.
Bake in a pre heated oven at 170 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Makes about 6-8 Cookies depending on size.

They taste the best the next day..... Thats if you can keep away from them for that long!


Jolie x

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Chilli Sin Carne

If you're anything like me, I get an idea in my head, start cooking, then change my mind halfway through and make something else..... This is what I did here. I was going to make sweet jacket potato, but the potato was huge and my appetite wasn't, so I made good ole Cauliflower 'Rice' to go with the Chilli.

Chilli is so easy to make. I use Quorn mince as a replacement for the Carne and instead of kidney beans, I pack the chilli with diced veggies.


Quorn Mince
Chopped tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Chopped Mushrooms
Red Peppers
Fajita Seasoning
Sprinkle of Cheese
Coconut Oil

Cut the Cauliflower in to pieces and blend in a food processor until it is in fine pieces. Place in a pan with some coconut oil.
Put the Quorn mince and veggies in a pan and cover with the fajita seasoning mix and chilli's, then add the chopped tomatoes and let it simmer until all the veggies and the Quorn mince is tender and cooked.
Turn on the pan with the cauliflower and cook until ready.
Plate up and serve with a sprinkle of Cheese.

Jolie x

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Food: How does it make you feel?

Being surrounded by my healthy Brazilian Jiu Jitsu family, we are all constantly talking about food, weight gain, weight loss, whats good, whats bad, cheat days, healthy days. Food becomes as much as an obsession as the addiction to the sport itself. It's part and parcel of the sport because you start to notice how food makes you feel. A number of BJJ students will admit to having a better, healthier diet now than before they started. Quite a few have lost weight, toned up and generally look and feel better for doing the sport because their game has improved due to eating better and taking more care in the way they eat. Everyone wants that gold medal after all!

One of my friends had a really poor diet when they started BJJ, then finally it clicked and they knew that eating a more healthy diet was the answer they needed to get a better performance. 
Before the Europeans, I had changed my diet, cut out carbs and lived like a monk for 3 weeks while I dropped weight for the competition. I have never felt so healthy and fit in my life. I was running and sprinting and not even breaking in to a sweat after 20 minutes. I put this down to what I was putting in my body, everything good, so my body was reacting good to it. 

Now here comes my confession. Since the Europeans, I haven't been strictly Paleo with my diet. I have eaten Pasta, bread, cakes and sweets, but then we have to eat the foods that we really want and love. I have kept to a manageable 57kg and I still feel fit and healthy, but that was until last night....

Before I went to teach my Kickboxing class, I was craving some chocolate, dark chocolate of course. Some Green and Blacks would have been nice, but the newsagent wasn't able to supply my demands for what I would call 'healthy chocolate'. I mean, if you're going to eat chocolate, you might as well make it the best! So after entering the shop, them not having what I wanted, I settled for a dark chocolate kit kat. 
The sugar hit me, then brought me down with a bang! I felt so tired after eating it and like I could quite easily curl up in to a ball on the front seat of my car and go to sleep. I couldn't, I had a class to teach. So stupidly I opted for buying a bottle of Lucazade at the gym in the hope that it would wake me up. It didn't.... I struggled through my class, and thankfully my students told me that it was a great session.

I went to bed last night feeling sick, bloated and extremely tired. Why didn't I grab a handful of Almonds instead?! 

Next time you eat something that is loaded with processed sugar or complex carbohydrates, make a note of how you feel afterwards. The same goes for the feeling of when you put healthy foods in to your body.

Jolie x


We all like to snack and the honest truth is, its good for us! It keeps our metabolism going and keeps it at a healthy rate, more so than if we were to go hungry and wait for our next meal.
If I'm out all day, I tend to load my bag up with snacks to keep me going throughout the day. It also reduces the temptation to grab a carb loaded snack when I'm out.

Although fruit has carbohydrates, they are the carbs that are good for you. It's not good to stick to a protein only diet, we need the unprocessed carbs to keep our body functioning as it should. Can you imagine going to the toilet if fruit and veg didn't play a big part in our diet? Ouch! Is all I'm saying.

So on to the snacks that I find curb the hunger pangs nicely.

Pineapple is ont of my favourite fruits. It's so good for your skin. I like to chop it up and leave in a plastic container in the fridge, so whenever I fancy a piece, or 2 or 3, its already there for me.

Almonds are highly calorific, about 8 calories each, so around 10 per day should be fine and keep hunger away.

Cherry tomatoes are lush, especially the organic plum ones. I'm a huge fan!

Sugar snap peas. Some people don't like to eat them raw, but I think they are lovely. They are so good for you and rich in fibre.

A short but sweet post today, but hopefully you get the idea when it comes to snacking. When people say its good to snack, it really is, just not on all that processed rubbish.

Jolie x

Friday, 1 February 2013

Paleo on the go.....

Last week I flew to Lisbon in Portugal for the IBJJF European championships. My flight was late afternoon and I knew that easyjet airlines wouldn't be serving anything remotely Paleo friendly in the journey, so I made sure I could find something in the departures lounge to take with me.
There were a lot of take away salads in boxes with no carbs, but they were full of meat, then I found this baby from Pret a Manger....

Tuna salad with boiled egg. Perfect!
The dressing even had it's own pot, so i kept it there and it didn't interfere with my diet.

I weighed in at the Euro's at 57.2kg with my Gi. A perfect feather weight and room to spare if I needed it. I came 3rd in my division and took home a nice shiny Bronze medal for my effort.