Rome Open, Absolute winner
European No Gi Light weight winner
I won my division in the Rome Open, and also the absolute. Then 2 days later I won the European No Gi championships. I went up a weight division and fought in Light weight as there was no one in my division. I was so chuffed and I know my coach was too. Unfortunately Alain couldn't be there, but I had a few Carlson Gracie team mates there to shout at the side of the mats. I came second in the No Gi absolute. It was so late in the day and I was tired when it came to the final. Anniles was a great opponent to have in the final and worthy winner.
Three gold and one silver, not a bad weekend of Jiu Jitsu at all
In enjoyed Rome and the food it had on offer, but it's not a great place to be if you want to stick to a low carb diet. I had a blow out after the competition which is traditional. I ate lots of bread, pasta and relaxed for a few days when I got home, then got back in to eating healthy.
It's funny when you eat healthy all the time, when you have cheat days, sweet foods aren't really that appealing anymore. I still love bread though and all it's varieties.
At the Colosseum, Rome, Italy
Often people ask me what they can eat for breakfast on a Paleo diet. I generally refer them to my blog and tell them about Pancakes, omelettes or smoothies, but I've heard often that people don't have the time in the morning to make them.
I found a really nice recipe for Easter muffins that are supposed to be a replacement for Hot Cross Buns. I made them, and they are perfect as breakfast muffins and a good replacement if bread is your thing in the morning.
Here is how I made them:
75g Honey
75g Coconut Oil
3 Eggs
50g Coconut Flour
50g Ground Almonds
2 tsp Baking powder
Grated zest of one lemon
2 tsp Mixed Spice
1 tsp Cinnamon
Makes about 12 Muffins
Melt the coconut oil in a bowl and add the honey, then the eggs.
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
Place the mixture in muffin cases and fill 3/4 of the way. I used silicone cases.
Place in a pre heated oven at 170 degrees C for 20 minutes or until brown.
Once baked, cool on a rack and then enjoy.
They taste lovely when cut through the middle and smothered with Cashew or Almond butter.
Jolie x
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