Thursday, 24 October 2013

Protein Balls & The London No Gi

Last weekend I competed at the IBJJF London No Gi Open. I was entered for the Gi competition as well, but sadly no one entered my division, so I chose to pull out of that competition and just do the No Gi.
I don't really train much without the Gi as training with the Gi is so much more interesting.
My fight was great, she got the take down, I went for the triangle, but she slipped out so she remained in my guard. I pulled her head down with 2 hands and apparently you aren't allowed to do this in no Gi, but it doesn't say it anywhere in the penalties section of the IBJJF rule book. I was a bit baffled, but carried on going for wrist locks, then a Kimura. My opponent was really good at defending everything I came at her with. She almost passed my guard, but I managed to get up and take her down. Our points were even, apart from that stupid penalty. I eventually lost the match.
It was a great fight and I'm pleased that I competed. It makes me even more determined to be better. My team mate Kat Gibson went on to beat my opponent and win Gold.
Now time to train hard for the English Open......

This morning I caused quite a stir at Mi-Gym with my Almond and Cashew butter balls.
Click this link to see how I made them.!protein-balls/c1hjr

1 comment:

  1. ". . .[S]adly no one entered my division, so I chose to pull out of that competition and just do the No Gi." They're scared of you, Jolie.
